I Like Myself!
Self Portrait K-8 Art Exhibition
Students from each grade level, Kindergarten through 8th
grade, were selected to express themselves and have their work displayed at Take Time Massage in downtown Bethel.
Congratulations go out to 4th Grader Hailey K. and 5th Grader Endora M., who have had their self-portraits selected to be on display at Take Time from March 27th through April 30th in the “I Like the Way I Look” Kindergarten through 8th Grade Art Collection.
March is Youth Art month and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our children and highlight their creative potential.
grade, were selected to express themselves and have their work displayed at Take Time Massage in downtown Bethel.
Congratulations go out to 4th Grader Hailey K. and 5th Grader Endora M., who have had their self-portraits selected to be on display at Take Time from March 27th through April 30th in the “I Like the Way I Look” Kindergarten through 8th Grade Art Collection.
March is Youth Art month and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our children and highlight their creative potential.